
Incorporating wellness features in the office environment

Incorporating wellness features in the office environment is a rapidly growing trend. These features aim to promote a healthier, more productive and more comfortable working experience for employees. Read on to discover some of the most effective office wellness strategies.

Creating a calming oasis: the importance of natural elements in office design

Integrating natural elements into an office setting not only gives aesthetic pleasure but also significantly contributes to the well-being of employees. It’s a concept known as biophilic design, which strives to create work environments that connect people more closely to nature.

Incorporating plants in the workspace has multiple benefits. For one, they purify the air by removing toxins and increasing oxygen levels. This contributes to a healthier environment and boosts employee productivity. Offices like Maxis are designed with glazed floor to ceiling windows and triple aspect windows to let in sSunlight, another crucial natural element., which Natural light  aids in regulating employees’ circadian rhythms – improving sleep quality and reducing stress.

Creating green spaces, whether inside with living walls and indoor gardens or outside with designated outdoor work or break areas, can profoundly affect mental well-being. Exposure to nature helps reduce stress levels, enhances mood, and fosters creativity, all leading to higher job satisfaction and increased productivity. It’s a win-win-win!

Incorporating Wellness Features in the Office Environment

Finding balance: strategies for promoting physical activity in the workplace

Sedentary work can harm employees’ health, a factor that businesses can no longer afford to overlook. Encouraging physical activity at work is a proactive step towards creating healthier and happier employees.

Standing desks provide a straightforward solution to the problem of prolonged sitting. They reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease and can help lessen back pain. Walking meetings, too, serve dual purposes: facilitating physical activity and fostering a change in an environment that can stimulate creativity and problem-solving.

Fitness challenges, such as company-wide step-count contests or inter-departmental sports competitions, can be fun, team-building ways to promote wellness. They contribute to a sense of community, encourage healthy competition, and promote overall wellness.

At Maxis business park, office occupiers have free access to bike hire, promoting an active lifestyle for workers.

Designing for mental health: the role of mindfulness spaces in offices

With increasing awareness of mental health, many companies are now incorporating dedicated mindfulness spaces into their office designs. These spaces provide employees with a place for quiet contemplation, away from the noise and bustle of the typical office environment.

Mindfulness spaces can include simple features like comfortable seating, dimmable lights, and noise-cancelling technology. Their purpose is to promote relaxation and stress reduction. By providing such a space, companies demonstrate their commitment to employee mental health, which in turn can lead to increased loyalty, reduced burnout, and 

improved productivity.

Healthy fuel for productivity: nurturing nutrition in the office

Nutrition is crucial in maintaining energy levels and focus throughout the day. By providing nutritious food options, companies can ensure their teams are well-fueled and able to perform at their best.

Hydration stations are an easy way to promote regular fluid intake. Communal dining areas encourage socialisation and can make it easier for employees to take proper meal breaks, which is essential for maintaining energy levels and productivity.

Encouraging healthy eating habits at work can have a ripple effect, influencing employees’ overall lifestyle choices and well-being.

Fostering connections: building social support systems at work

Human beings are social creatures, and the workplace is no exception. Building a strong social support system within the workplace can significantly enhance employees’ happiness and job satisfaction.

Collaborative spaces within the office can facilitate formal and informal interactions, fostering stronger bonds among team members. Regular team-building activities can also enhance cohesion, improve teamwork, stimulate better communication, and create a more positive work culture.

Happier, healthier employees

Wellness in the office is no longer an afterthought but a necessity in today’s work culture. From integrating natural elements to promoting physical activity, mindfulness, proper nutrition, and social interaction, businesses can do a lot to foster a healthy work environment.

Incorporating wellness features into office design makes for happier, healthier employees and drives productivity, ensuring the company and its people can thrive. Here are some of the most effective ways to do it:

Ergonomic furniture: Ensure workspaces are comfortable and promote good posture. Adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs, footrests, and ergonomic keyboards and mice can all contribute to reduced musculoskeletal strain.

Natural light and views: maximise natural light, which helps regulate sleep cycles and mood. You can use open office designs, glass walls, skylights, etc. Also, providing views of nature has been shown to reduce stress.

Indoor air quality: poor air quality can lead to health issues and affect productivity. Regular maintenance of air conditioning and heating systems and using air purifiers or plants can improve air quality.

Physical activity: encourage physical activity to reduce sedentary behaviour. This could include standing desks, onsite fitness facilities, and promoting stairs over elevators.

Healthy eating: encourage employees to eat healthily by providing nutritious food and snacks in the cafeteria or vending machines.

Quiet spaces: provide areas where employees can take breaks, relax, or meditate. This can improve mental health and productivity.

Sustainable design: using sustainable, non-toxic materials and energy-efficient appliances can help the environment, improve employees’ perception of the company, and reduce exposure to harmful substances.

Grade-A office space in the perfect working environment

Maxis is proud to be rated BREEAM ‘Excellent’, representing best practice for sustainability performance. At the end of 2022, we successfully installed 46,444 sq ft of solar PV at Maxis, saving 238 tonnes of CO2 per year, the equivalent of planting 10,914 trees.

By the end of 2023, we are aiming for both buildings to be fully electric. To learn more, get in touch with us today.

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