We would love you to join us at our Summer fete on Wednesday 6 July outside Maxis 2. We will be hosting the fete in aid of our charity of the year Sebastian’s Action Trust and will have a host of delicious food, fun fete games, a selection of stall holders and a raffle.
You don’t have to be an occupier on the park to come and join us on for some great BBQ food from our onsite caterers Butler and Walrus, at the cost of just £6 a head. So why not invite friends and family along too? We will have burgers, hot dogs, a vegetarian option all served with slaw and salad.
From 11:30 – 15:30 there will be some stall holders selling summer gifts, goodies, accessories and cosmetics, so something for everyone. The fete games will include hook a duck, ball in a bucket, splat the rat and more.
Fun fete facts:
- The word fete is borrowed from the French and means holiday. Historically, towns were granted charters to hold fairs, maybe once or twice a year
- Some fetes lasted several days or weeks! These fairs acted as markets for selling goods and services including selling sheep!
- The fete as we know it today, probably dates back to the 1920s and is rooted more in charity. Local people would make things to sell and the proceeds would be donated to charity
- The fete peaked in popularity in the 1950s when it became a key date in the village calendar
We can’t wait to see you at the Maxis Summer fete – just make sure you add Wednesday 6 July to your diary and tell your colleagues, friends and family!