
Zero Food Waste

Recycle Week 2022 is taking place from 19th – 25th September but it’s great to see that the team at Maxis are always busy making sure they are being sustainable all year round. 

If you have eaten at Caffe Kix or Butler and Walrus and left any food on your plate, the great news is that all food waste is now being composted. Did you know that 11 million tonnes of food waste go to landfill every year creating 20% of the UK’s Co2 emissions? 

Using the onsite Ridan Food Composter at our business park ensures that there is no food waste. The composter is operated manually so requires no electricity or power, saving energy. 

How it works: 

When food is put in the composter and an equal amount of sawdust or wood chip or pellets is added and the handle is turned, the mixture of hot air, food and wood reaches over 60c and microbes turn the waste into compost. This is then used across Maxis by the landscaping team.  

The benefits: 

By composting, it reduces the amount of food waste going to landfill. Ridan’s firmly believe that if food waste is recycled at source, it can be used to enrich the soil and grow more food, whilst supporting valuable eco systems. Last year Frasers Property UK set out a roadmap to achieve net zero carbon across the whole portfolio by 2050 (which aligns with Frasers Property Group’s objective), to achieve net zero carbon across operational areas of control by 2030. By composting onsite, this all helps contribute to the net zero carbon goal. 

Find out more about sustainability at Maxis here

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